Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

NationalitySouthern Water Tribe
Bending ElementWater
Notable AliasesThe Painted Lady, Saphire Fire
Hair colorBrown
Eye colorBlue
PositionMain Character
Main Love Interest of Aang
First appearanceThe Boy in the Iceberg
Voiced byMae Whitman
Katara is the only current Waterbender from the South Pole's Water Tribe, a race of people who can control and manipulate water. Katara earns the title of Master Waterbender from Master Paku of the Northern Water Tribe by the age of fourteen, something very rare.[1] She is the last remaining waterbender in the Southern Tribe (Katara's Home) because of continuous raids on her village by the Fire Nation, specifically by the Southern Raiders. She, along with her older brother, Sokka, discover an Airbender named Aang, the long-lost Avatar, frozen in an iceberg and accompanies him on his quest to defeat the imperialistic Fire Nation and bring peace to the war-torn nations.[2]

Toph Bei Fong

NationalityEarth Kingdom
Bending ElementEarth/Metal/Meteor
Notable AliasesThe Blind Bandit, The Runaway.
Hair colorBlack
Eye colorPale green/Gray (blind)
PositionMain Character in Seasons 2 and 3
First appearance"The Swamp" (Aang's vision),
"The Blind Bandit"
(actual appearance)
Voiced byJessie Flower

Toph is the only child of the wealthy Bei Fong family, who reside in the Earth Kingdom town ofGaoling and whose symbol is a winged boar. Toph's parents are highly overprotective of her, viewing her disability as weakness. They assume that she is weak and vulnerable to everything around her. To avoid risk and danger, they kept her lessons at the beginner level of earthbending for over six years and had guards keep close watch on her at all times.

Despite her handicap, Toph has developed special skills that make her a very formidable Earthbender. Once, when she was very young, Toph ran away from home, seeking refuge in nearby caves. It was there she found companionship with the blind, earthbending Badgermoles that inhabited the caves. By imitating their movements, Toph came to harness her own earthbending abilities, becoming a master in her own right. However, she kept her talent secret from her family and Master Yu, her earthbending teacher. Toph fought frequently in Earth Rumble, an underground earthbending Lei tai tournament, under the alias "The Blind Bandit". By the time Aang and his friends discover Toph at the tournament, she had won her way to become the current champion, holding a 42-0 win-loss record prior to her encounter with Aang.[1]

In order to escape entirely from her parents' control, Toph fled secretly with Aang and his friends and volunteered herself as Aang's Earthbending instructor. Early on, Toph's defiance of authority and lack of cooperation annoyed Katara. The two eventually put aside their differences and became close friends. It is also shown in some episodes (like "The Serpent's Pass") that Toph may have had a slight crush on Sokka during the time, but it never came to be.

The Bei Fong family appears to be well-known and influential in the Earth Kingdom. In the episode "The Serpent's Pass", Toph's mere display of her family's seal was sufficient enough to gain passage on a Ba Sing Se-bound ferry, despite lacking proper documentation to obtain a ticket normally, though doing so in "City of Walls and Secrets" was not enough to allow them into a party in Ba Sing Se.

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

The New Me

OK this is it...

This is the new page of my life...
I'm in junior high school now
In with the new, out with the old ones

I won't forget my old friends, I just wanted you to know that
Well... Just friends, I'll totally forget my enemies
Nothing lasts forever in this world

The pic above is a little image to describe my joyful, happy past life at elementary school with my friends

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Fireside Girls Song - Fireside Girls (Phineas and Ferb)

We're Fireside Girls, one and all
And together we belong

We wear our patches upon our sashes
And stand cute, small, and strong

This is the Fireside Girls song...!

And it's not too terribly long

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

My Sadness Poem

First, you destroy my comic book
I've finished 3 lovely story in it
I was extremely mad, then I started to hate you
I ignore all of your call, I don't want to see you, I don't answer your questions, I don't talk to you
Then you started to make me feel a little bit happy
And I forgive you (after a month or two)

After I forgive you, you did sucha lovely things to me
You pray for me, you encourage me, etc.
I was very happy
Then, you started to say bad things to me
Lie, gossip, and other
OK I knew that lie
But you're the one who's guilty!

That is your fault!
You didn't told me that story was a secret!
It was your fault ok!!

And then you talk to people
That I ask you not to communicate with that person
Because that's one of requirement I gave you
So I forgive you

But why...
You broke the requirement just to talk to that geek??!!!
She's disgusting!! She's not a human being!
If you really wanted to talk to that 'person', WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO???!!!

YOU BITCH!! DIE YOU!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!


Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Imaginary Friends

In my world, my name is Paloma. Paloma Maasland
I live in a beautiful tree house (a house inside a tree) with my twin little sisters, Laura and Lau Lau

Laura is an elegant pretty girl. She's nice, kind, helpful, and pretty mature. She love turquoise colour. If u know Numberjack Five from Numberjacks, she's kinda like her ^ ^

Lau Lau is her little twin sister. She's beautiful, cute, cuddly, childish, docile, and charming. She love floating and making cushions. If u know Lau Lau from Waybuloo, she's kinda like her :)

We play with each other. There are almost no fight between the three of us. I love my imaginary friends, because they're like what I imagine ;)

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Adults Ruin Everything

Who shuts the mall down early?
Who wants you in by dark?

Who gets all mad and sirly
When we make a smart remark?
Who do we have to hide from?
From Dimsdale to old Beijing?
Their taking away our summer,
Adults ruin everything!

Adults ruin everything!

With all their rules and laws!

Adults ruin everything!

We must fight back because!

Adults ruin everything!

Time and time again!

Adults ruin everything!

Trust no one over ten!


I feed the whole world ice cream!

I supersize the mall!

I melt stuff with my heat beam!

Too bad it's not your call

But I've got two magic fairys!

Wand waiting to be twirled

Adults can't ruin everything
If us kids ran the world!

Adults ruin everything!

But kids would run things right!

Adults ruin everything!

But we know we can fight!

Adults ruin everything!

That's how this day unfurled
But that won't happen if I wish
That us kids ran the world!


Adults ruin everything!

But kids would run things right!

Adults ruin everything!

But we know we can fight!

Adults ruin everything!

That's how this day unfurled
But that won't happen if I wish
That us kids ran the world!

Who gets to send the curfews?


Who gets to make the laws?


There's one adult left we all trust
And his name was Santa Claus!


Who gets to run the country?


Who gets to say what's cool?


How can I put it bluntly?


Now it's kids who rule!

(Adults ruin everything
But now it's kids who rule!)